Kyoto University Health Service

Kyoto University Health Care Office

   The University Health Service offers: (1) periodical and on-demand health checkups, (2) individual and group counseling/guidance for health problems, (3) primary clinical care for diseased/injured persons, (4) health data management, and (5) education and academic research.

The annual health checkup is mandated by law for university students and employees.  Employees (and science-major students as well) who engage in hazardous work involving specified chemical agents, radioactive agents, microbes,  and working at night or in hot/cold/hyperbaric places are required to undergo additional special health checks carried out by the Health Service every 6 months.

Based on these checkup results, medical/occupational advice and suggestions are given to students, employees and their supervisors.  A quit-smoking program using topical nicotine and an e-mail system are offered to students and employees.

Primary clinical care is provided to patients suffering from diseases and injuries.  Internal medicine and psychiatry departments are open on weekday.  When advanced examinations or therapies are needed, we refer patients to Kyoto University Hospital or other medical institutions in the vicinity.

Preventive and clinical services are provided at branch offices located at the Katsura, Uji, and Kumatori Campus.  Healing services using aromas, music, and body massage, as well as physical exercise with treadmill/cycle-ergometer and dumbbells are also available at the Katsura branch.

Health checkup data are continuously collected in our computer system.  When a student or employee requests, his/her health certificate can be issued using these data and some additional physical or laboratory examinations.



FAQ about the Health Checkup



   Medical doctors of the Health Service are also faculty members of the University.  They deliver lectures on epidemiology and mentor the students in the University School of Public Health, aiming to promote clinical outcome research.

Our studies include:

  1. Prevention of common cold by gargling
  2. Delay of cold recovery by a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
  3. Stratification of lung cancer risk by smoking status
  4. Prediction of adverse events caused by an antineoplastic agent
  5. Time-course of risk factors until the onset of myocardial infarction and stroke
  6.  Chronological features and risk factors of sudden death in the working population
  7.  A new clinical approach to premorbid personalities with major depression
  8.  Electroshock therapy for various psychological disorders
  9.  Development of integrated intercampus telemedicine system
  10. Evaluation of CPR and an AED use by bystanders, and emergency medical service (EMS) systems based-on population-based registry of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
  11. Community-based intervention to spread chest compression-only CPR
  12. RCT evaluating the effectiveness of CPR feedback and debriefing in EMS systems
  13. Population-based registry for EMS transporting patients (cardiac arrests /  acute coronary syndrome / stroke)
  14. Qualitative study to seek barriers to start CPR or use an AED
  15. Simulation study to evaluate educational or training effectiveness for CPR or use an AED






Yu Sakagami, M.D., Ph.D.

Assistant Professors

Satoe Okabayashi, M.D., MPH., DrPH.
Keiichi Matsuzaki, M.D., Ph.D.
Daisuke Kobayashi, M.D., Ph.D.


Kyoto University Health Care Office

Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

Tel: +81-75-753-2400 (service office)

Tel: +81-75-753-2421  (reception office)



Contact form


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Last Modified 16/3/2020